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"God, keep us near your mercy-fountain and bless us! And when you look down on us, may your face beam with joy! Send us out all over the world so that everyone everywhere will discover your ways and know who you are and see your power to save. Let all the nations burst forth with praise; let everyone everywhere love and enjoy you! Then how glad the nations will be when you are their King. They will sing, they will shout, for you give true justice to the people. Yes! You, Lord, are the shepherd of the nations! No wonder the peoples praise you! Let all the people praise you more! The harvest of the earth is here! God, the very God we worship, keeps us satisfied at his banquet of blessings. And The blessings keep coming! All the ends of the earth will give him the honor he deserves and be in awe of him!" Psalm 67:1-7 (TPT)

You have probably seen fields bursting with ripe grain or vineyards with plump juicy grapes breaking out on their vines, or gardens erupting with ready produce. I know I have. I remember as a child on a farm surrounded by acres upon acres of wheat fields waving in the wind. My heart was filled with wonder as I saw the grain doing its swaying dance, shouting to the world around that the time for harvest was near. I remember feeling so small as I hid in tall stalks of corn in our cornfields.

I recall planting seeds in the garden and covering them with dirt. Each day I would run out to check on our seeds only to be upset that nothing was happening. There was no apparent fruit or vegetables growing. I was told that with time the sprouts would shoot up toward the sun. But it felt like nothing would ever grow up. Then, it happened! One morning we finally saw the first shoots come exploding through the dirt. My heart and face were radiant with wonder and fascination!

God with a beaming joy-filled face is looking over his fields of humanity! We are seeing throughout the earth the wonder of a spiritual harvest. God has sent believers all over the world so that everyone everywhere is discovering God’s ways and to know who He is and seeing His power to save! Praise is arising from the nations as mankind is experiencing the relentless love of God.

God is shepherding the nations and the harvest of the earth is here. Our God satisfies our hearts and overwhelms us with His blessings! Everyone everywhere will be in awe of Him!

Just as farmers pray and plan for a double harvest God has a double harvest for you. Both naturally and spiritually. We want to encourage you that your labor has not been in vain. God has seen your years of toiling and perseverance and now is the time for you to personally experience breakthrough and to see the wonder of harvest in your life and ministry. Your dreams are coming to fruition. It’s time. God wants you to see the wonder of the harvest all around you. It’s bursting forth and breaking out on your vines. The blessings keep coming! It’s time to celebrate the wonder of harvest!

Photo by Camille

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