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Our God has created us to fully enjoy and take pleasure in the world around us. Our brain is always working to know what is going on. We have these great senses– sight, smell, taste, touch and sound. Each one of our five senses is really essential in our daily life. Did you know that we use at least one of our five senses every moment of every day? Wow, even when we are sleeping our senses are on active duty!

There is a big difference between watching others taste and see that the Lord is good and personally experiencing the goodness of God for ourselves. Have you become a spectator, watching others teach and share about the many ways they are encountering the Lord, and yet, you are not intentionally positioning yourself to savor and experience His goodness personally? Are you missing out on the fun exploration and pleasure of God’s presence?

Our God is a good, good Father and He wants us to taste and see that He is good. The by-product of tasting and seeing His goodness, experiencing His goodness is having His favor, His oil of blessing pour all over us. God always wants to draw us closer to Him. He’s not afraid of closeness. He loves it, because He loves us. Sometimes we are the ones who fear closeness, or we simply don’t know how to be close emotionally to Him.

There is a simple solution, let’s choose not to be a spectator any longer. Let’s position ourselves right here, right now and tell God that we choose to draw close to Him. Each day we will choose to actively participate in encountering Him. It’s going to be real. It might get messy, but that’s okay. We will make the effort and position ourselves to taste and see that He is good. Come on, join with me and let’s explore together this living relationship with our loving and good Father. Let’s taste and see the goodness of God!

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