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You are created to live a life from a place of rest. David had to refocus his heart and mind on God in order to return to a place of peace and rest. “Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.” Psalm 116:7 (NKJV) Like us, David is reminding himself that the Lord hears his prayers. This God lover remembers the goodness and faithfulness of Jehovah in the midst of life’s many challenges. When David felt restless, God was His resting place. He was fully persuaded that the Lord was working on his behalf.

Like us, David experienced times of nervousness, “Give ear to my prayer, O God, and do not hide Yourself from my supplication. Attend to me, and hear me; I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily,” (Psalm 55:1-2, NKJV). All of us come face to face with the choice to rest in times of restlessness and fear.

Inquietude can be an alarm, awakening our hearts to focus on our faithful Father. God wants to make us aware there is something that is hindering us from living in truth. He wants to bring us back to rest. We cannot be at rest if our lives are not fully convinced and aligned with who God is and who we are in Him.

Times of restlessness may be a cue to do an internal exam. It’s an opportunity for us to ask Holy Spirit some questions, ”Am I believing a lie? Is this agitation in my heart and mind because I’m not fully persuaded God is who He says He is in my life? Am I fully surrendered to Him today? Does Holy Spirit want to bring healing to any area of my life?”

There may be areas of hurt or trauma in our lives. It is only through allowing God to come and heal the deep places in us that we come into greater health, wholeness and vulnerability with one another. Busyness and restlessness can be an emotional structure set up to avoid the healing process God wants for us.

Has the Lord dealt bountifully with you? Let us return to our rest. How do we do that? We need to be purposeful and refocus our eyes, heart, mind and spirit on God’s faithfulness and goodness in our lives. As we focus on the truth of who He is, and who we are in Christ, then, we can rest and trust Him with our lives. For some of us it means taking the opportunity to come into emotional and spiritual health through inner healing. For others it may mean tearing down the walls of constant activity and allowing God and others into the deep places of our lives.

God is committed to you. He wants to bring you into being healthy and whole. Come and sit for a while. Return to the Father. Return to a place of peace and rest. Won’t you allow the Father to reach into your heart right now and remove anything that hinders you from rest? Take whatever steps the Holy Spirit may lead you in, but return to your place of peace and tranquility.

Photo by Aaron

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