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How effortless it is to make your circumstances a mountain that’s bigger than God. He not only created these magnificent peaks, He gave you authority to move mountains.

Jesus told His disciples to "Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him”. Mark 11:23-24.

The phrase “to remove mountains” or “to move mountains” was a common metaphor in 1st century Israel. The phrase was a metaphor meaning “to remove difficulties or obstacles”.

You face difficulties and obstacles every day. What mountain stands before you? Is it a mountain of debt that you feel is overwhelming you? Is it a mountain of sickness that lingers even after you’ve done everything to eat right, exercise regularly and maintain good health? Is it a mountain of depression that is constantly trying to suck you down the black hole of heaviness? Is it a mountain of hurt and disappointment that feels like the scab is pulled off and never heals? Is it a mountain of regret that holds you captive to your past?

Climbing to the summit of the mountain requires the hiker to focus ahead, not behind. With perseverance the climber pushes past every obstacle to reach the peak and enjoy the view as an overcomer.

The prerequisite to moving mountains is having faith in God. Reinhard Bonnke made this powerful statement, “God always works with workers and moves with movers, but He does not sit with sitters.” You can’t gain the peak of your mountain by sitting and magnifying your difficulties and obstacles. You need to get up. Then you need to fix your focus on God, not in yourself or your faith in faith. Focus your heart on faith in God. Increasing in intimacy and knowledge of His character causes our faith in Him to increase.

Our God is the one to move your mountain. Our God is a good, good Father as He brings His divine peace into your heart and lifts you up and changes your perspective. He does the impossible and partners with you to shift obstacles and difficulties. As you understand your identity as a loved son or daughter of God, you will know that He gave you all authority to live an overcoming life. May this year be filled with powerful encounters with the Lord as you climb higher and see life from His heavenly perspective!

Photo by Arnie Chou

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