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Live With Expectancy

I don’t know about you, but I want to live with expectancy in my heart. As you read this, it is likely that you are praying and believing God for kingdom breakthrough in some area of your life. We see time and again in scripture how someone stood in the midst of trails, tribulations and loss and the following generations got to walk in and reap the fullness of all that these persevering God worshippers and lovers contended for.

These patriarchs and matriarchs stumbled at times throughout their lives yet, experienced the faithfulness and goodness of God through each and every challenge, declaring His faithfulness to future generations. Time and again we see that they had to let go of expectations in the midst of their many challenges.

Many times, we are disillusioned and disappointed because our expectations are more focused on how and when God will fulfill His promises. Our attitude needs to be adjusted and brought into alignment with God’s heart of love, hope and faith.

Past generations willpower and determination to see breakthrough has impacted our reality today. The fruit we are reaping, and the blessing we are flowing in is partly due to their purposefulness. Many of their faith-filled sacrifices and enduring perseverance laid a strong foundation for experiencing the impossible. We endeavor to be like them. When challenging winds come, we also hold fast to God’s word and ride out every storm as we wait with expectancy and see our God do the unimaginable.

Even more importantly we will see the blossoming realization of God’s kingdom plans and purposes in and through our lives. Our hunger and determination to grow closer to the Lord and live from His life of love, hope and faith will impact our future generations. So, I encourage you to live with expectancy and watch the beauty of God burst forth all around you. Behold our wonderful, amazing, magnificent Father as He does the impossible!

“Then I will say to my soul, “Don’t be discouraged; don’t be disturbed, for I fully expect my Savior-God to break through for me. Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again.” Yes, he is my saving grace!” Psalm 43:5 (TPT).

Photo by Juliane Liebermann at

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