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Do you ever wonder what hope sounds like in heaven? Here on earth, does hope’s voice grab your hearts attention? Does it resonate like a peaceful waterfall or waves crashing on the shore? Maybe you prefer the oscillating of the wind swirling through leaves on the trees. It could sound like singing raindrops hitting the windowpane. Perhaps it resonates like instruments harmonizing softly. Hope for you may be hearing the voice of the one you love and long for.

No matter what hope’s voice sounds like to you, for the woman caught in sin in John 8, the sound of hope was the brush of Christ’s finger writing in the dust and the quiet articulation of Jesus’ words of mercy and truth.

For Jairus, in Luke 8, the words Jesus spoke for this father not to yield to his fear, but to have faith his daughter would live again paid off as hope erupted at the first inhalation of life’s breath that came forth from his daughter as she laid dead on her bed.

The miraculous sound of hope for a seriously handicapped woman in Luke 13 was the snapping and adjusting of bones going back into place as Jesus unlocked her marvelous healing and deliverance. Pain was gone and she could now stand up straight. After 18 years of pain and suffering, her movements once again came easily to her!

The buzz of the crowd in Mark 10 as Jesus passed by and the shouting of the people telling blind Bartimaeus that the Christ was calling him caused hope to rise in his heart. The sound of his garment softly cast off to the ground as he rose to go to Jesus increased his anticipation. Christ’s question, “What do you want Me to do for you?” brought an explosion of hope as he honestly asked for his sight. Walking after Jesus that day with his eyes fully restored birthed hope for a future he dreamed about, but never thought was possible. Now the impossible was made possible!

What does hope sound like or look like to you today? Whatever challenge you may be facing, we decree it is your time to experience miraculous hope and life changing break through. Our prayer for you is that your heart will swell with great hope. Hope for today and hope for your future. A future of great destiny. Hope can turn your life around as well. Will you put your hope and trust in Jesus? He alone is our hope! “The Lord alone is our radiant hope, and we trust in Him with all our hearts. His wraparound presence will strengthen us,” Psalm 33:20.

Photo by Xiaokang

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