“Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

We see in the life of Jesus that He defeated shame on the way to the cross by refusing to receive it. He knew that shame did not apply to Him. He rejected shame and focused on us as His delight. Jesus defeated shame on the cross by voluntarily taking our shame so He could give us His dignity. When we come to Christ, He completely removes our shame and gives us His dignity (prodigal son story). He does this to all “lost sons,” because we are the object of the Father’s joy.
Jesus is still involved in removing shame from us and expressing His joy for us! The victory He accomplished “for” us He is now applying “to” us!
In areas of our lives where we have experienced, and feel shame are the places where He wants to go and encounter us to bring healing and freedom from shame. We can encounter His personalized, Great Physician skill as He takes us to the place and time where our heart was broken.
He heals our broken hearts. He “absorbs” the damage our hearts have experienced from the failures, mistreatment, and sinful actions of people. He absorbs the cruelty, the sin, and the shame that people intended for us to absorb when they mistreated us.
He enables us to forgive thoroughly from the heart, which is more effective than just general forgiveness in an effort to apply a biblical principle. He helps us to forgive thoroughly and specifically.
He also heals our hearts from the damage we’ve experienced from our own wrong choices and sinful actions we’ve done to other people. He absorbs the cruelty, the sin, and the shame we intended for others to absorb when we mistreated them.
He helps us to cancel wrong beliefs about ourselves and beliefs about God that keep us entangled in an inferior lifestyle. He applies the benefits of His atoning work in a way we don’t know how to apply ourselves.
He is our Great Physician! Why did He do all of this? Jesus did it in order to bring us into freedom and give us the power to live a lifestyle of joy.
Just as John was so transformed by God’s love, so much that it changed his identity, God has done the same for you and me. As we are continually exposed to the love of Christ, it transforms the way we view ourselves and others.
We are now empowered as sons and daughters to live a joy-filled life going into the world and sharing God’s joy with others. We are God’s creative partners as we share, they, too, will come to know the overwhelming goodness and love of God.
Jesus, thank you for defeating shame on my behalf. In areas of my life where I experienced and feel shame, I ask You to come now and encounter me to bring healing to my heart and freedom from shame. Help me to forgive those who hurt me and shamed me. Thank you for forgiving me for hurting others and shaming them. Thank you for Your help to cancel any wrong beliefs I have about myself and beliefs about You. I choose to walk in all the benefits of Your atoning work that brings me into increasing freedom. You have removed all my shame! Thank you that I am Your son, and I can live a joy-filled life and share Your goodness and love with others.
Photo by jametlene-reskp-3PIi3IJHCvc-unsplash.jpg