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Updated: Sep 23, 2023

“But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.” John 17:13

The joy of the Lord is our strength. Put another way, we are infused with divine strength as we are enjoyed by God. If we lose our strength, we will give up, or we may try to carry out God’s will in our own strength.

If we lose intimacy with God, we will try to build His Kingdom according to our own design instead of His. God has designed us to need Him, because He wants sons who are creative partners, not just servants who are only duty-driven workers. It is impossible to maintain the strength to obey God without the joy of being with God.

If we could be entirely successful without being close to God, then we would not need Him at all for success. So, He has designed us so that we can’t succeed without being close to Him, because He originally created us as the objects of His joy. What good is it to create companions if they have no need for companionship? He will not deny Himself the pleasure of being close to us, but He has given us free will; we must choose to be close to Him. When we choose to be close to Him, His joy becomes our strength. Being filled with His joy gives us the strength we need to be His creative partner. Living then becomes an exciting daily adventure as the Holy Spirit leads us.

We declare it is your time to live in greater intimacy with your Father and experience a perpetual infusion of His joy and strength as His loved son or daughter.

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