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You have probably prayed at some point in your walk with the Lord a simple prayer asking God to increase your faith. As we look at the life of Peter, we see a man who was wholehearted in his relationship with Christ. In one of his most memorable moments in scripture we see him walk on water during a severe storm. It is believed the disciples rowed for 9 hours trying to go 6 miles to the shores of Capernaum. Sleep-deprived, exhausted, and terrified of drowning we see Jesus show up on the scene walking on water.

Like a good Talmadim, Hebrew for “disciple” we see Peter spent 3 years listening, watching, and imitating Rabbi Jesus as he learned how to walk by faith. This emerging apostle was being schooled in how to understand scripture as Jesus taught a better law of grace and love. He was being trained by the Master in the greater things of the kingdom. He was experiencing kingdom love, mercy, and grace in action every day as he lived life with Jesus.

Increasing in his faith was happening daily. Peter’s heart cry was to be fully engaged with what Jesus was doing! Peter wanted to be just like his Rabbi. During a raging storm, Peter asks to be invited into the impossible. He has seen Jesus doing the impossible and he was no longer satisfied with someone else healing the sick and doing untold miracles. This developing disciple wanted to experience it for himself.

They had been walking on roads from city to city and now in the storm, Peter has a “Neil Armstrong” moment. He took one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. This zealot had an opportunity to walk where no mere man had ever walked before. Walking on water with Jesus! It was a giant spiritual leap for all mankind!

Peter wanted the Lord to invite him to a place where he had never been before. Riding in a boat on the waves was his job. He went from trusting in the natural boat to trusting in the supernatural Jesus. Peter had to intentionally position himself and engage with Jesus for the increase in faith to step out of the boat.

We see God inviting man into the supernatural-into the impossible being made possible by faith. Peter took steps to do the impossible. Peter increased in his faith capacity as he turned his back on fear, “faced Jesus” and stepped out of that boat. This eager disciple positioned himself for the increase in faith to experience a greater revelation.

Many remember this encounter as a failure for Peter. What looks to many like failure was Peter’s “jumping-off point” for increase. Like Peter, when we step out for an increase and think we’ve failed and we start to sink, Jesus Himself stretches out His hand to reach us and lift us up. Peter in his weakness experienced perfect strength in Christ’s hand.

We are not failures when we feel weak or when we haven’t performed as well as we think we should. Even when your faith is weak and falters, and for a moment doubt wins, hope in Jesus! He still takes you to where you need to go to continue life’s journey with Him!

Today you may be in a storm, this is your opportunity to stand up and step out of your comfort zone. Make the transition into something Jesus is doing right now. Your next opportunity may come while you’re enduring a life-threatening storm. Like Peter keep intentionally positioning yourself and be engaged with what Jesus is doing and increasing faith will come.

If you want the greater things in God’s kingdom then it’s time to step out of your boat. Step out from the familiar and comfortable and transition into the unknown, knowing God is with you!

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