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You are created for relationship. We are witnessing throughout the nations of the world what happens when we lose times of being “with one another”. A part of our core makeup is the need to experience life with one another. When that is lost, we experience various negative results. In spite of all that is happening there is the reality that we belong to God. He is with us. He is holding us by the hand.

In the Passion Translation we read, "Yet, in spite of all this, I still belong to you; you hold me by my right hand. You lead me with your secret wisdom. And following you brings me into your brightness and glory! Whom have I in heaven but you? You're all I want! No one on earth means as much to me as you. Lord, so many times I fail; I fall into disgrace. But when I trust in you, I have a strong and glorious presence protecting and anointing me. Forever you're all I need! No one on earth means as much to me as You." (Psalm 73:23-25)

In the very plan of creation God formed the human body. All the many parts are joined together for maximum function and health. He also created "family" to be an integral avenue of experiencing peak health and greater function through being joined or simply "with" others. Being with family, friends and our church tribe is when we experience the fullness of God Himself and His love.

We all depend on people, yet folks may fail us, or we may fail them. I know I have failed others at times. Yet even when I fail God, I have an opportunity to run to Him and be in His presence. Just being "with" Him quiets my heart. In times of adversity such as the world has had pressed upon it in recent years, God brings great benefit from it for our lives. Being "with" one another has become even more detrimental to health and wholeness for all mankind.

In spite of all that has happened and will happen, as you follow God, He will hold you by the hand and bless you. It is our declaration that you will be joined together "with" others to experience greater strength and wholeness. We declare more of God’s wisdom and glory in your life. May His strong and glorious presence protect you and anoint you, your family, and all you do in Jesus’ Name.

Photo by Hannah

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