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"Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples." Luke 11:1

Have you ever noticed the stark difference between Jesus and the religious leaders of that day making a public spectacle of themselves as they prayed? Time and again we read of Jesus going off to pray. During significant moments, critical seasons, before big decisions, when He was missing someone, gathered with others, when He was in need, or hurting.

Can you imagine the rich paths the disciples walked with Jesus? Some had been disciples of John the Baptist but were called and then followed Christ for the duration of His ministry. Jesus opened His life as a window for all to see into His Relationship with His Father. For three years this motley band of men witnessed all of life’s experiences with Him. Their lives were shaped by countless small moments with Jesus. Christ lived a life of “nothing hidden”. He demonstrated “intimacy” with the Father both for His disciples and for us today.

Time and again they would watch Jesus retreat alone to pray. I think they not only heard him pray serious prayers, but I believe they heard his laughter and joy in his times of prayer. He related with God the Father in ways no other Rabbi had ever done. He would come out of these times of prayer and demonstrate great signs, wonders, and miracles.

For this reason, they asked Christ to teach them to pray. Even the prayer John the Baptist had taught did not take them to a greater relationship with God and abundant joy like Jesus, nor did his prayer release the power they saw from Christ’s times of prayer.

Jesus' close followers figured out that He had the power to transform lives for the better. All the public praying the Pharisees did was a powerless religious obligation. They demonstrated religious drudgery and duty while the Son of God authenticated delight and joy in His times with the Father. At the end of the day, as the sunset and the disciples sat and talked, they probably overheard Jesus’ times of prayer being full of delight and joy and said, “I want what He’s having!” I gotta have what He’s got. I don’t want to settle for hollow religious prayers.

Unlike the Pharisees of that day, God our Father is not shining His brilliant, glorious light on us to shame us for not praying enough. He is not piling on the guilt for not performing well enough in our Christian duty. He is inviting us to come boldly to His throne of grace.

As sons and daughters of God, it’s time to step beyond the window Christ opened for us and fully experience the joy of intimacy with the Father in new levels we’ve never known before! Jesus is extending the invitation into your personal breakthrough in prayer from duty to delight.

Have you accepted the invitation to come and experience the Father’s blessing as He transforms your times of dutiful prayer into delightful and joy-filled prayer? Come boldly before Him and simply ask Him to transform your times of prayer. He is longing to draw closer to you too!

PHOTO: luca-bravo-ny6qxqv_m04-unsplash.jpg

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