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You are living in a new era. All around us things are shifting. The pace of change has hit an exponential rate. At the beginning of this decade we never anticipated the various challenges that have smacked us in the face. The impeachment of our president, a worldwide pandemic and the lockdown of nations, economic downturn, loss of loved ones, racial divide, domestic terrorism, just to mention a few.

How are people supposed to respond to feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts? We need time to adjust, yet it feels like we’re living in the Inception movie. We feel like we’ve been in a bad dream and all our ideas, plans and hopes for the future are being stolen by an unseen enemy. How do we not only survive, but thrive in these challenging times?

Many of us are like the children of Israel after leaving the enslavement of Egypt. We want life to be like it was before. Can we just get back to normal life? Can we just get back to how life used to be? No. Like every stage in our lives, we continue to be faced with change.

We read in the book of Exodus that for 40 years Moses had to navigate change as he led nearly three and a half million people through the wilderness into their promised land. There had to be some key that helped him deliver God’s people. How do we lead our families and ministries well during radical times of change? Like Moses, we must daily depend on God as we face change.

Every leader will face times of discouragement. During one of these times Moses talks with God and lets him know, “I didn’t sign up for this.” This was Your idea to have me lead these people. We read in Exodus 33 that if God’s presence didn’t go with Moses, this deliverer did not want to go anywhere. It was through the many challenging times that we see what Moses was made of. His source of strength came from His dependence on God’s presence and wisdom.

Today we are no different. We are facing challenges and we are desperate for God’s presence and wisdom. We need His strength and renewed courage to lead knowing that our choices to press on and pursue God’s plans will impact many others for future generations.

None of us really knows what we signed up for when we surrendered our lives to God. We anchor our hope and trust Him as we have experienced His faithfulness in the past. Our Father will remain steadfast, faithful and immovable through all the never-ending changes we experience in our lives. We are never alone. He is with us!

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