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“Then Jesus exclaimed," Father, thank you, for you are Lord, the Supreme Ruler over heaven and earth! And you have hidden the great revelation of your authority from those who are proud and think they are wise and unveiled it instead to little children. Yes, Father, you’ve chosen this gracious plan to extend your kingdom. You have entrusted me with all that you are and all that you have. No one fully and intimately knows the Son except the Father. And no one fully and intimately knows the Father except the Son. But the Son is able to unveil the Father to anyone he chooses.”

Matthew 11:25-27

Time and time again you can read of Jesus getting away from the crowds to be refreshed in times of worship, prayer, and communion with His Father. Christ received all that He needed in these times of unveiled intimate exchange. These cherished times of solitude enlightened and empowered the Son of God to walk in knowledge and authority of His Father’s specific plans to extend His kingdom. While in these enshrouded times together Jesus saw or heard what the father doing, and He continued to walk in the fulness of the Holy Spirit directives.

God through Christ has pulled aside the veil and revealed Hope Himself to us. He brought to light the true character of God. Nothing is hidden. His desire for us is that we would expose our hearts to Him as well. Nothing is withheld from each other. Total spiritual and emotional nakedness. Total honesty. Every part of Himself is given to us. And we have an invitation to unveil ourselves before Him. Won’t you accept His invitation and step into greater hope and intimacy?

Each time we gather in our Papa’s presence it is an invitation to an unveiling. When we worship, when we pray, and commune with Him, we find that in His presence is an invitation to an unveiling. And in the “UNVEILING” we see and hear Father’s decree, His heart, and plan of hope for every generation. We partner with Him to see the fulfillment of His decree as we declare and prophesy His Kingdom purposes. We then take whatever next steps the Father instructs us to take.

As sons of God, our Heavenly Father has entrusted us with all that He is and all that He has. He withholds nothing from His sons and daughters as we increase in authority and anointing to carry hope to others and expand His kingdom on the earth. As sons, we can unveil our Heavenly Father to anyone we choose. Won’t you accept the invitation and step into greater intimacy with our good, good Father and reveal His goodness and greatness to those in your sphere of influence? We declare and prophesy that hope is being unveiled in your heart today and every day. Take notice how you are increasing in influence and shifting many hearts and lives around you for the glory of God!

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