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We are created to love God and to live our lives to glorify Him. Walking in obedience shows our choice to live a life of dependence on Him and not self-reliance. Even when we make the choice to be disobedient or independent and self-reliant, our good, good God and Father has made a way for a restored relationship.

The devil has been and always will endeavor to steal, kill, and destroy our understanding of our “identity” as sons and daughters of God, and our “awe” of God, thereby stealing our inheritance. The Father of lies continues to deceive people today.

In Genesis, we see that Eve failed to protect her oneness and distinctiveness as God’s own creation, as well as her wonder, her worship, and her reverence for God. Eve partnered with Satan’s lying words and made a foolish decision experiencing epic loss.

We read that when Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden that Satan tried to shift the focus from God is good and faithful to God withholding things from them. He boldly speaks to her, “Eve, God can’t be trusted because He’s holding out on you.” This cunning liar attempted then to shift the focus as he slandered God’s character as a faithful and good God to being an egotistical master who was restricting her.

By not holding fast to the word of God and her identity Eve relinquished her authority and dominion in the earth. Satan’s success was short-lived. Even in loss, our merciful and faithful God gave an everlasting promise. Hope speaks of promise!

God is a promise keeper. He has given us promises through His covenant with Abraham that all the nations of the earth would be blessed, and later made a covenant with David promising his kingdom would be established forever and brought to pass by his descendants.

We see throughout the Word of God this great promise: the Savior, the Light, and Hope of the world was going to come! He has come and Jesus is His name. He has taken all our sin upon Himself, and in exchange poured out upon us His grace and mercy. He defeated death, hell, and the grave and brings everlasting life to all of mankind! He ushered in the Kingdom of God and restored all that the Devil stole from the first Adam and his wife Eve!

The Promise: Christ Jesus rolled back death and its stone and now gives us hope for the future. Our lives are of such great value that Jesus left heaven to take our sin upon Himself. We are told in Hebrews 12:2, “The joy that was set before Him, (propelled Him), to endure the cross and despising the shame and, (lay down His life for us), then sat at the right hand of the throne.”

Christ removed every obstacle preventing us from experiencing His unsurpassable love. Jesus is the most extreme, supreme, and matchless Promise was ever given to humanity. No other love can compare nor is equal to Him. Through the ages, He has wooed all of humanity to entwine our hearts and lives with His.

The purpose of making and fulfilling promises is for you and me to draw closer into greater intimacy with Christ Himself. The Promise also becomes the Promise Keeper. Out of intimacy will come great blessings to many others. But intimacy must be intentional. God wants to show us how “Just one day of intimacy with you (Him) is like a thousand days of joy rolled into one.” Psalm 84:10 (TPT)

Thank you, Jesus, for fulfilling your promise and for making it possible for everyone in every facet of society to live an abundant life once again!

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