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“Even though I’m considered insignificant and despised by the world, I’ll never abandon your ways.”Psalm 119:141 (TPT)

Have you ever been shocked? I will never forget the first time I saw tens of thousands of people living in abject poverty. At seventeen years of age I left home on an exciting mission’s trip. For years I had dreamed of travelling the world. After our plane landed in Port au Prince, Haiti we transferred to a bus for travel across the island to the city of Cap Haitian.

I was not prepared for what I was about to see and smell. Never before had I experienced the sights and smells of starvation and destitution. Hordes of children smothered us begging for money. Their faces were filled with hope. They hoped the rich young Americans would respond to their dire situation by handing over our coin or currency.

These memories come to mind when I read Bible stories like the poor widow who gives two mites. During the time of Christ, Israel was under the harsh tyranny of Roman rule and Jewish traditions. As we read this brief drama we learn that Christ defines our significance by a much different standard than mere men. In spite of such oppression we learn that she goes to the temple to give a sacrificial offering.

Jesus and his disciples sat nearby watching people insert their offering in the treasury. He saw the rich men making a show of how generous they were as large sums of money dropped into the treasury boxes. Later, a poor, despised widow moving along like a mere shadow quickly and quietly deposits her last coinage. She probably thought she had gone unnoticed by the crowd.

I believe as a daughter of God, she had hope and love in her desperate heart that somehow Jehovah-Jireh would see her dire situation and provide for her needs. Most people would be stingy, and hold onto the last penny they had to buy food for another day. But she was not like most people. She trusted God and was determined to go and give Him thanks with her puny offering. With what seemed like the last of her hope and faith she is noticed by the God of hope Himself!

Jesus is amazed and brings this seemingly insignificant, destitute widow to the disciple’s attention. He declares that she has given more than all the rich contributors before her. What? How can that be? Jesus is teaching us that when someone gives with a heart of hope and trust in God it is of great value to Him. Our sacrifice does not go unnoticed!

It is out of a place of relationship that we are willing to sacrifice whatever necessary. It doesn’t seem like a sacrifice because love and hope encapsulate the gift. In the kingdom of God, sacrifice is really great gain. We see this widow may have been poor in finances, but rich in hope and love for God. She held fast and did things God’s way.

We are not told what becomes of this nameless, faceless widow, but one thing we do know, she didn’t abandon God’s ways and she got the attention of the God of Hope! Her story is safely kept for us to be both challenged by, and encouraged. She didn’t give out of her abundance, but gave all that she had. She held nothing back.

Have you given everything to God? What are you holding back? Do you need hope today? Are you walking through a challenge and feel like God is your only hope? You are not just a shadow moving through the crowd of humanity. You are significant. He sees you and knows what you’re going through. He knows your deepest thoughts and feelings. He’s right here, right now. He’s always been here. Tell Him what’s on your heart and watch Him turn your situation around.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 (NKJV)

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