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"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Have you ever wondered if Rahab sat each morning looking out her window imagining a different life? Just how miserable was her life? Elizabeth Gilbert tells us, “We all want things to stay the same. Settle for living in misery because we are afraid of change, of things crumbling to ruins. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.” We learn in Joshua 2 that Rahab's life is a testimony to the power of God to arouse an inner yearning to live a fulfilling life and then bring the needed breakthrough from ruin to transformation!

Do you know that the two spies’ steps were ordered by the Lord as they went specifically to lodge at Rahab’s inn? God knew the Savior of the world was to come through Rahab and God had need of her. This venturesome woman’s heart was hungry for God. When her opportunity came to choose to serve Baal or the Lord, she chose to serve the One True God!

We learn from this seemingly godforsaken, ruined woman that God had not forsaken her. God’s higher plan was for Rahab to experience hope for a breakthrough and change in her life. She then watched as God amazingly made it her new reality.

His plans for her life and for our lives are better than our own plans. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9).

The Lord is so interested in us that He has a higher plan for our lives. Sometimes He uses unique situations and people to bring about our salvation! God will also lead us on a treasure hunt, guiding us to a treasured life He wants to transform.

We can learn from the life of Rahab that no matter what our cultural background, God will go to great lengths to save us and give us the opportunity to be a daughter or son and a full partaker of His Kingdom. We can experience the goodness of God, then tell others so they can also experience His goodness. Do not think, “God can’t use me because of my past.” If God can use Rahab, He can use any of us. The Lord is only looking for a flicker of faith in your heart. He’ll fill and direct your life from there! One person's faith can have a huge impact on others' lives.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit had an eternal plan for this woman's life. She was significant and important to the plan and purposes of God that impacts us generations later. You are significant and important to God's plans!

Like Rahab, we want to live in expectation of God’s Kingdom breaking through. Hope increases as your intimacy with Christ increases! This desperate woman postured her humble heart toward God. She released the scarlet rope out the window. She did her part for her breakthrough. What do you need to do to partner with God for your breakthrough?

Her "no matter what" attitude brought about an intentional step to risk everything for something better! Sometimes we must take a risk that is the portal or pathway for our breakthrough.

Ruin became Rahab's road to hope and transformation. You may feel just like her. But we're here to tell you that today is your day of breakthrough into having hope for the future! The walls around your life (mind, emotions) are coming down in the name of Jesus. He is here to bring hope to your life and for your amazing future.

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