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You are not ordinary. You have been made in God’s likeness and image. As a believer trusting in Christ’s completed work of redemption, the Holy Spirit lives within you, empowering you daily. Your Father is extraordinary and exceptional. You have His DNA, therefore, you too are extraordinary. There is nothing typical or ordinary about you. You are remarkable and amazing!

One of the greatest lies the enemy has perpetrated on mankind is that our Heavenly Father is not good. The father of lies has convinced mankind that our progenitor hates us, ignores us or is too busy to care about us, and that we are forgotten inhabitants having fallen through the cracks of this great planet.

To understand ourselves and our calling we need to know who our Father really is. What His character is truly like. Not knowing who you are, your identity, prevents you from walking in the fullness of your authority Christ has purposed for you to walk in. In order for God to be a good Father, we must be of value to Him. This truth is paramount to living a powerful life.

You make the choice to believe the truth about who you are. Make the choice today and every day to agree with God in your identity as an incredibly extraordinary and exceptional son or daughter.

The challenge for us is to understand that God’s truth of who He is and who we are empowers us to live an extraordinary life. A life simply lived each day fully engaged in the things that are on His heart. It’s not so much about doing as it is about being fully surrendered to His will each day. A surrendered life is one where you give God total management of your life. A fully surrendered life is a life filled with freedom. Freedom from everything that keeps you from walking in the fullness of Holy Spirit power.

Freedom cost Christ a very high price – His very life. But to Him it was worth it so you could live in freedom from the constant lies of the Devil. “Submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you,” James 4:7. The enemy wants to steal your freedom. Submit or surrender to God, Resist him as he tries to pull you back into lies that imprison you to live an ordinary life.

We pray that each morning you wake up to the reality that you are like your Heavenly Father. You are extraordinary and fully empowered to live an exceptional, extraordinary life!

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