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Don't Be Like Doeg, Be Like David

Like a snake, it can slither into our hearts without us even being aware it resides in us. It can hide within the deep, dark, secret place of our hearts. What could it possibly be? Jealousy. Jealousy is ugly and sinister.

Why would King Saul be seeking to destroy the very man who had saved him and the kingdom he was reigning over? David had loved, served, protected, and warred for the very king who was trying to kill him.

Crowds of people rejoiced singing, “Saul has killed his thousands, but David has killed his tens of thousands.” This seed of jealousy was planted in the king’s heart and though hidden for some time eventually burst forth as Saul began his mission to kill David.

The prophet Samuel told the king that because of his poor choices, the kingdom would be taken from him and would be given to another. This was the moment, an opportunity for King Saul to align his heart with God’s superior plan. Instead, Saul spent years chasing his son-in-law determined to kill him.

In 1 Samuel 21, we read about Ahimelech the priest in the city of Nob thinking David was on the king’s mission and so he gave David and his men provisions of holy bread and Goliath’s sword. The king’s chief herdsman Doeg saw David and reported to Saul that the priest provided food to this villainous warrior.

Rage fueled the king. He ordered his guards to murder the priests of Nob. But Saul’s lieutenants Abner and Amasa refused to touch or kill God’s anointed cleric.

The king then told David’s protagonist to kill them. Doeg struck and killed 85 priests along with all the men, women, and children of the city. Even the livestock was destroyed. Only one son escaped the slaughter that day. You can read David’s response to Doeg’s divisive actions in Psalm 52.

Such atrocities are borne out of jealousy. In going for David’s jugular these jealous men eventually lost everything. King Saul and his sons were later killed while fighting the Philistines. You might wonder whatever happened to Doeg. This jealous fool died a leper. *

Both King Saul and Doeg lost all that they possessed because of jealousy and wanting their own way. Though they had opportunities to align their hearts with God’s goodness, humility, and desire to bless all his sons, they refused and partnered with jealousy and an orphan spirit.

This insidious attitude if not uprooted through repentance will result in devastating fallout that can even affect future generations.

Don’t be like Doeg, be like David!

We declare the Lord grant you revelation and understanding of your identity as sons of God. There is more than enough in God’s kingdom for you. We declare every heart aligned with joy when brothers and sisters are promoted and walking in greater Kingdom favor. May we receive the gift of repentance and apply it to our lives whenever jealousy makes its way into our hearts. We declare that we will intentionally choose to honor and prefer one another in love.

*The Legends Of The Jews pp 104-105

Photo by david-clode-QZePScKPb2Q-unsplash.jpg

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