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You don’t need to be sheepish when needing help from God. Come, be bold as you enter the King’s throne room. You can come fearlessly before your God and Father as we are encouraged in Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us, “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (NKJV)

As sons and daughters of the King we have confidence in our identity and can walk boldly before others. Years ago, my in-laws were invited to have dinner with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the late Duke of Edinburgh. Upon arrival at the HM Yacht Britannia, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Lawrence Burkhardt were instructed on royal protocol before meeting her Royal Highness.

As expected, when the queen, daughter of the late King George VI, entered the room, she carried herself with graceful confidence and boldness. No one doubted her identity and authority.

We are sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Our King and Father has given us full access and authority as His heirs. Let us confidently go before Him in our time of need and receive all that we need and more.

Remember the story of Queen Esther? She was a hidden Israelite in the cruel king’s palace. When God-hating Haman tricked the king of Persia into allowing genocide of the Jewish people, the Hebrew queen deliverer could no longer stay hidden.

She called a three day fast. Throughout the land the Jewish people were abstaining from food and calling on the King of Heaven to save them. Esther knew that upon entering the throne room if the Persian king did not extend his royal scepter to her, she would be killed and her people destroyed.

As she entered the king’s inner sanctum, she found favor with the king! The Hebrews were saved and even now Purim is celebrated and Queen Esther is remembered.

Be bold, oh son and daughter of the King for your God is over every king and potentate! Don’t be sheepish when needing help, you can come confidently before your King and Father today. Come to His throne! He’s waiting for you.

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