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At one time or another in your life you have probably been so excited and enthusiastic about something that you got carried away in your excessive display of emotions. You may have even had someone tell you, “Oh, don’t get so carried away.”

We see Jesus had a purpose so great in His life that He passionately got carried away and took with Him all our sin, grief, sickness, and sorrow. He bore our pain in His body and carried away all our sorrow. With fierce focus Christ made sure to carry what He knew we could not carry and give to us what He knew we cannot receive apart from Him.

“He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. 4 Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.” Isaiah 53:3-4

We read that Jesus was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Christ identified with us as He suffered more than any human has ever suffered or will ever suffer. His empathy and compassion are not just theoretical. He experienced the full range of human suffering. The Hebrew word for grief is also translated sicknesses. We read in Matthew 8:17, “Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.” Christ carried away our physical suffering and emotional anguish.

In verse 4 the word “surely” means that the “truth that follows is important.” It is certain. This truth cannot be doubted! Do we really believe the truth that Jesus bore our griefs; infirmities and sicknesses and carried our sorrows away? Does the world see us living in the full benefits of the cross and all the suffering of Christ? Are we living as overcomer's because of all Jesus did for us?

The word “carry” here is also the same word used for a “porter” or one who carries a heavy load for another person. The baggage does not belong to the porter, another person still owns it, but the porter bears its weight. Jesus carried away all our sin, physical pain, emotional anguish, depression, fear, trauma, torment, and every evil thing the enemy brings against us. Christ took it all back to hell where it belonged and gave to the Devil all that was his. Jesus returned it to where it rightfully belongs. He then took the keys of authority from Satan that Adam lost and restored them to His Church. Christ then gloriously led the pre-cross Old Covenant saints to heaven and gave gifts to men! (Ephesians 4:8-16)

What if we get so carried away in thinking that Jesus really did do what scripture tells us? Christ really did get carried away in an expressive display of victory over the enemy. Our Heavenly Porter really did carry away in His atoning work and in His body all our baggage of sin, pain, sickness, and sorrow.

Jesus was acquainted with grief, sorrow, and pain but He did not make them His companions and life partners. I am sure you are also acquainted with grief, sorrow, and pain. Have you allowed them to become your constant companions and life partners? Today is the day to break up with these harassing companions.

We are all in a position to experience the full benefits of Christ’s suffering and atoning work. Let’s be intentional as we experience giving it all to Him in exchange for heaven’s joy, peace, hope, health, and life! When you feel overcome, overwhelmed, anxious, and crushed by grief and sorrow and you cry out to God, Jesus will dispatch His angels to come strengthen you with His grace.

Our Father does not want the enemy of your soul to disrupt and sabotage His Kingdom purposes in your life. Just like with Jesus, your grief and sorrow are costly. You pay a great price in times of loss, grief, and sorrow. It is not a waste of your life and time. God turns it around and takes vengeance on the enemy and makes the name of Jesus famous!

Come and bring it all to Him now! He’s carried it all away and is waiting for you to break up with wrong thinking and let truth be your companion and life partner. Receive all the grace you need right now.

We hope you will pray this prayer today. “Lord, thank you for your willingness to take my grief, sickness, sorrow, suffering and pain upon yourself. Thank you for carrying it away to hell. That’s where I want it to stay. I break up with the lies that I’ll never be free from pain and sin. I break my partnership with all of these in Jesus’ name. I give You my pain, grief, sorrow, sickness, fear, shame, depression, hopelessness, and anything not from You. I choose to say “NO” when the enemy tries to get me to take back anything You have already carried away for me.

I receive everything You paid for when You suffered and died and rose again for me. I receive your great comfort, grace, and strength right now! Amen.”

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