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"We have this treasure in jars of clay to show this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 (NIV)

Have you ever noticed that in the Gospels the Pharisees, priests, and religious leaders were always plotting to destroy Jesus? They remind me of Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner, a cartoon from the 1960’s. Wile E. Coyote invariably had trapped Road Runner or thought he had, but each and every time Road Runner would get away.

In Luke 22 the story opens with Jesus and His disciples preparing for Passover in the city of Jerusalem. Those wily religious leaders were up to their old tricks again. Plotting Christ’s death. While they were scheming His path to die, He was planning their path to eternal life and salvation. Have you ever wondered how many of those men ever came to Christ?

Jesus had a word of knowledge and directed Peter and John to the place where He would have His last supper with them. He instructed them to go prepare the place and they were like, “Where do we go to prepare this Passover?” Christ’s response was interesting. Why? Because He didn’t tell them to go to 326 Straight Street in South Jerusalem. Read closely what He directed them to do.

They were to go on a treasure hunt! Entering the inordinately crowded city at a time of great celebration they looked for the clue. The clue was "a man carrying a clay pot of water". Why would this be a special or unusual sign that would grab their attention? Because in Hebrew culture men didn’t carry jars of water. That was women’s means of transporting precious drink. The men carried water in animal skins.

This anonymous man was a compelling SIGN for the Son of God. He would lead the future apostles on where to go. Signs are important. The religious leaders talked about signs and asked Jesus to give them a sign, yet He refused to be baited by them.

Just look for my sign. A man carrying a clay pot of water. Water is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. This day Christ is establishing a new way of carrying the water of the Spirit. The old cultural and religious ways were being done away with, and Christ was prophesying a new way!

This humble man whose name is not given is “leading the way” for others to encounter Christ on one of the most significant days in all of history.

Jesus may use you as a SIGN in someone’s life. You may never know the transformation you are carrying until you are with Christ. You may feel insignificant, but know that God sees you faithfully and tirelessly serving and leading others as you carry the Living Water of life. "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." John 7:38 (NIV) Halleluiah! Christ has opened a way for us to enter into the fullness of God and to lead others into kingdom fullness!

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