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Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”  Isaiah 60:1-3 NIV


Have you ever thought as you read about Jesus just how relevant he was in His day and culture? Or how each person’s significance and value were conveyed in His conversations, teachings, healings, and miracles? Today God is empowering us to shift culture and bring kingdom transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In a recent NFL draft quarterback Brock Purdy ended up waiting for nearly 3 days to hear his name get called. With nearly 2 decades of sacrifice, hard work, and preparation to become an NFL quarterback, it looked like he wouldn’t get drafted at all. No one saw his value or what he could bring to a team. But, finally on the 262nd pick San Francisco 49ers chose Brock Purdy. Since he was the very last player chosen in the draft it earned him the less-than-complimentary title of Mr. Irrelevant’.

This undervalued man has taken the football world by storm and shifted the culture of his team and city. In his first year as the quarterback, he is leading his team to the biggest game in NFL football with hopes of winning the Vince Lombardi trophy!

On Superbowl Sunday we will be hearing the cadence of this now very relevant and significant young man. He will be joining a legacy of history-making men like Joe Montana and Steve Young former 49ers quarterbacks! Brock has an opportunity to lead his team to win the Super Bowl!  Despite other people thinking he was incapable of doing much in the NFL, he knew God had gifted him and empowered him to lead a team to do great things! He knows His value as a son of God. He is fully convinced Jesus has a plan and purpose for His life that will impact many others while bringing glory to God!

David is one of many Bible characters who can also inspire us. An illegitimate motherless child. The youngest son with seven older brothers. This forgotten son of Jesse spent his young life alone overseeing his father’s flock of sheep. His life was filled with difficulty and grief, yet we can hear the voice of “significance” rising through this simple young man’s life.

His father excluded him from standing before the prophet Samuel to be anointed the next king of Israel, yet he stood strong in Jehovah’s eyes. God knew his heart was wholly His. Unbeknownst to this young lad he is going to demonstrate that hope is unveiled for all to see God’s glorious power! He reigned as King and through his legacy the Savior of the world would come to rule and reign forever!

Another individual was an orphan named Hadassah, but she is better known as Esther. This beautiful young woman spent her entire life in captivity to the Medes and Persians. She lived in exile and never knew anything but foreign rule under a cruel king. During this era, all hope was lost for the Jewish population. Only God could bring salvation to her people. Her life was filled with difficulty and grief, yet we can hear the voice of hidden hope and significance rising through this simple young woman’s life.

Unbeknownst to her she is going to demonstrate how hope can be hidden and then unveiled for all to see God’s glorious power! Knowing our identity as “significant sons and daughters” protects our hearts and the hearts of others. Hope in God stands guard over her future and the future of many generations. She saved her nation, and her life powerfully demonstrates how God knows our “relevance and significance” in the time in history we live.

Hope in God and knowing our value stands guard over our futures and the futures of many generations. Brock Purdy, David, Esther, and many others' lives powerfully demonstrate how God positions us in situations to fulfill His Kingdom's plans and purposes.

God is calling His Church, His Bride in this hour to arise and shine and let the glory of the Lord be seen upon us! Though the world declares the church is irrelevant and insignificant we will stand in our destined place and demonstrate just how relevant and significant the kingdom of our God is today!

There may be many like Nathaniel saying, “Can anything good come out of the church?” They may think we are irrelevant and insignificant, but like Jesus, we will walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit's power and declare and demonstrate God’s Kingdom power and grace and watch lives be transformed for all eternity!

Believe what God says about you. Repent and agree with who God says you are and what He has created you for-you were created for such a time as this! Be like Bartimaeus get up and throw off that wrong thinking and speaking and align your thinking with who God says you are and do the works of the kingdom. All of creation is crying out for the revealing of the sons of God. “The world doesn’t know it but they’re counting on you.” *

We declare that as a son or daughter of God now is your opportunity to shine! As part of the Bride of Christ, you too demonstrate that hope is unveiled for all to see God’s glorious power! We declare you are relevant and significant. The world is crying out to see the goodness and power of God through you today.  We declare and release breakthroughs in how you see yourself. Receive revelation now into your heart and mind, so you know that you are a fully empowered son or daughter of God. You’re alive in this time in history to bring glory and honor to Him as you boldly live, lead, and express His love, grace, and power to others. Arise and shine glorious Church for our God is saying, “You are relevant and significant!”

* (Mission Impossible; Dead Reckoning Part 1)

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