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“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

John 10:27

There you are once again “tuning in” to your favorite station. I remember when I bought my first car sitting in it as I turned on everything to be sure it all worked. After purchasing it excitement was screaming through my mind as I turned on the radio to reset the channels to my favorite radio stations! I was planning on spending some good quality time tuning into those stations as I drove around town over the following years.

Some of you may remember climbing on the roof of your house to tune your antennae for better reception to watch your favorite television show. Or adjusting the rabbit ears on top of your television. Whatever memories you have of “tuning in” bears witness to our need for communication. Listening and hearing the voices of those who are important to us.

When something matters to us, we intentionally do whatever is necessary so long as we can hang on to every word spoken or listen to the sentimental song that is being sung. The words help create peace or joy or whatever we may feel the need for at that time. Even now, how often do you drive around in your car belting out songs along with the radio?

Like us, how many of you have a radio in your family emergency kit? Or you have kept a landline phone? During times of emergency, we want to be able to get in contact with our loved ones and get up-to-date information.

Whether it’s just another day in your life or an emergency, communication is important to all of us. It’s time to also tune in to your spiritual channel. God is speaking and we need to intentionally tune in to get the right frequency! If you’re on the wrong channel you will not hear His voice. And that could be very costly

Don’t tune out the word of the Lord for your life. His words are our life source. Be intentional to tune in. Like many Bible characters, hearing the word of the Lord directed them in His plan and purpose, not only for their own lives but for the lives of many generations!

We pray and declare that daily you will tune in and listen and hear the voice of the Lord. Each day you will know and follow the word of the Lord. We declare your heart will be tuned in to God’s plans for good in your life.

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