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And David said with longing, “Oh, that someone would give me a drink of the water from the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!” So the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines, drew water from the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate, and took it and brought it to David. Nevertheless, he would not drink it, but poured it out to the Lord. And he said, “Far be it from me, O Lord, that I should do this! Is this not the blood of the men who went in jeopardy of their lives?” Therefore, he would not drink it. These things were done by the three mighty men”.

2 Samuel 23:15-17 (NKJV)

Greater levels of kingdom fulfillment, impact, and influence. More than likely these are just a few of the deep desires burning in your heart. Loyalty, sacrifice, inconvenience, risk. These are all components that help bring about our experiencing these greater things in the kingdom of God.

We can learn some valuable insights from David and his mighty men. In 2 Samuel 23 we read about another clash with the Philistines. The original Hebrew meaning of Philistine is “to wallow, to roll.” They were enemies of God’s word. This impoverished people never seemed to have enough and so they continually harassed and oppressed God’s people-Israel.

The king is in a fortress cave surrounded by his enemies. David remembers and longingly comments on the sweet taste of water from the wells in his hometown of Bethlehem. This was the place where he used to water his father’s sheep and refresh himself after long hours of insufferable heat under the scorching sun. To see his childhood home overrun with his enemies must have been heartbreaking.

Just a passing comment about the waters of Bethlehem moved the hearts of these mighty men. David had done so much for these distressed, discontent, and in debt men that they were willing to be inconvenienced and risked their lives to soothe the parched tongue of their incredible king.

These 3 men went on a 12-mile trip and broke through the camp of the Philistines and got ahold of what was scarce, and precious-water. They brought it to King David.

Their relationships with David helped unlock greater levels of kingdom fulfillment, impact, and influence. Their sacrifice was so incredible that the king didn’t want to waste the water on himself, so he poured it out as an offering of worship to God-the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Water. It’s not as scarce for us today. We just turn on the faucet and this liquid gold comes rushing out to satisfy our thirst. But a commodity we all long for is the “waters of revival”. We all want heaven’s abundance in our well-being, in our finances, in our relationships, in our ministries, and on our jobs.

God has given leaders and leadership teams a deep thirst for the waters of revival and vision to see God’s kingdom expanded and increase throughout the earth. Our relationship with leaders and our church family is helping to unlock greater levels of influence, impact, and fulfillment.

We want to break through the “wallowing” poverty spirit that is against God’s word and against His promises to us and to see breakthrough for our region and beyond.

Right now, you might feel like you’re taking the biggest risk of your life. Like David’s mighty men this may also be one of your greatest opportunities to defeat your enemy-fear of lack. Everyone may not know of your courageous sacrifice, but King Jesus sees it!

When you bring your hard-earned sacrifice of worship in giving tithes and offerings, godly leaders don’t waste it on themselves. It’s given to God, and He leads us in how to best invest this to see His kingdom enlarged.

You as God’s mighty and loyal men and women are bringing your hearts offering of worship to God and He is overwhelmed with your heart! Your love and loyalty are not just words-you give your lives, your money, something you invested time and effort into earning. It is truly an offering poured out.

We declare that as you partner with God you will see heaven established in your lives and family. We declare you are unlocking greater levels of influence, impact, and fulfillment in the church family where you serve. We declare breakthroughs in relationships, dreams, jobs, home, ministries, and finances. We declare the spirit of poverty broken off your lives and your region. You are intentionally engaging with God and His leaders as you pour out your offering. You are experiencing breakthrough into the "more of God" in every facet of your lives to the glory of Jesus Christ!

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